Saturday, May 19

So it was finally time to leave Beijing. Vivien came to say goodbye and had gotten us a farewell gift. She wasn’t able to come with us to the airport because she had class. Ruby had gone with us and dropped us off and we said our goodbyes. Ruby says we must come back to visit her. I hope I can someday. We went to turn in our luggage and mine weighed 22.6 kg and the max was 22.7. To go through security was less intense than American security and we could leave out shoes on. My favorite part of going through the airport was wearing the rice hat and all of the stares from people. We had to make sure those rice hats made it back to America without being smashed. We boarded our plane around 5:20 for our 6:40 pm departure. We would arrive at 6:45 pm in Toronto. We are time travelers. I slept for about 6 or 7 hours on the 13 hour long flight. I was exhausted from our 2 week adventure.  Once we made it back to Pittsburgh we appreciated the clean air. We went to pick up our luggage and to say our goodbyes to one another. We will all find each other and be friends on Facebook.  Beijing was an unforgettable experience, with some amazing new friends that I will never forget. 


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